Training Manuals


The 2024 Training Manual:  Simple and Unambiguous

Our Tableau services integrate in-depth knowledge of the software and its capabilities with exceptional business intelligence data analysis.  The sole focus of any of our services is to help you create a business intelligence model that you can actually use.

Tableau applications are endless, including:  Business Use Cases, Product Trends and Comparisons, Market Analysis, Customer Demographics and Risk Scores, Pricing Optimization Analysis, Sales/Customer Engagement Performance, Predictive Analysis, Competitive Analysis, Advanced Analytics.


We make content engaging—even if it is a description of a flywheel assembly. Not all content can be made scintillating but usually the presentation of it can be interesting. We try to ensure that the reader will actually read the documentation—that the way the content is presented will encourage them to continue reading.

Southwest Business Services has provided remote technical writing services for more than 30 years. We have long been committed to providing highly professional, due-diligent technical writing services–at an affordable price.  





Tableau Services

We are business intelligence specialists who enable you to use Tableau successfully in a business of any size.   We provide concept to implementation services for novices and experts alike. 

Are you already using Tableau? Thinking about it? Get in touch and take the first step toward creating an actionable business intelligence model.Contact us and get started. 


This is a noninclusive list of our Tableau services.  Contact us if you do not see the service you need listed here.

  • Dashboard Creation
  • Data Visualization
  • KPI Development
  • Data Governance
  • Business Intelligence
  • Systems Analysis and Process Mapping
  • Advanced Analytics
  • Data Modeling
  • Smart Analytics
  • Strategic and Analytical Dashboards
  • Tactical and Operational Dashboards
  • Data Stories
  • Presentation-ready reports
  • Augmented Analytics

STE Experts

We are expert at writing  in the STE language. Simplified Technical English is a controlled language, a natural language, and not to be confused with a constructed (artificial) language.   Why should you care about STE?  The success of your project may depend on it.


“STE was developed to help the readers of English-language documentation understand what they read, particularly when these readers are non-native English speakers.” – ASD-STE100

Writing in STE–Simplified Technical English–sounds deceptively easy.  But simplifying some parts of technical English requires compliance with some grammatical and spelling rules–STE writing rules–that aren’t always easy to follow. 

Learn More Here… 







Because we can make your Training Manual do what it was intended to do–Engage, Inform, and Ensure Retention