zero trust, written information security plans, WISP, risk management, risk analysis, spear phishing, phishing, business case study, legal, multifactor authentication, business impact analysis, business continuity plan, remote work, distributed staff, data breach


phishing, business case study, zero trust, written information security plans, WISP, risk management, risk analysis, spear phishing, legal, multifactor authentication, business impact analysis, business continuity plan, remote work, distributed staff, data breach


We thought our client information was secure–until it wasn’t…

Xavier Otero, Partner, XO Legal

Hooked with Spear Phishing Bait

XO Legal, a small legal firm with an entirely distributed team, was lured into an insidious spear phishing snare by a seemingly harmless email.  The attack targeted the firm with carefully crafted emails that appeared to come from legitimate and trusted internal sources.  This sleight of email was virtually undetectable.  XO Legal had no idea how to pick up the pieces because they didn’t know what the pieces were.

Spear phishing involves targeting specific individuals or organizations with personalized and convincing messages designed to trick the recipient into taking a particular action or providing sensitive information.

Anatomy of a Spear Phishing Attack

Spear Phishing Prey

The Setting

phishing, buisness case study, zero trust, written information security plans, WISP, risk management, risk analysis, spear phishing, legal, multifactor authentication, business impact analysis, business continuity plan, remote work, distributed staff, data breach

The law firm had four attorneys and two paralegals, all of whom worked remotely.  Client files were stored in an encryped cloud account.  All six could upload and download files, which meant that all six individuals had credentials necessary to allow them to access the account at some level.


The Bait

Once the phisher had decided on a law firm target, XO Legal, they did what any highly-skilled phisher would do:  They patiently researched the firm, its employees, clients, and ongoing cases to gather information that would make their phishing email(s) appear authentic and relevant.

Excellent dossiers were created on all the firm’s employees. From the information acquired, partners Xavier Otero and Rogelio Tejada seemed to be the most potentially profitable targets.  The phisher decided to reference a high-profile client as part of the deception.  They had learned that there was a hearing the following week, which provided the opportunity to introduce urgency and authenticity into an email.

It was this meticulous preparation that enabled the phisher to craft the personalized emails that would become the bait and make this plot so successful.  Their chances of success were greatly improved because the plot was entirely specific to the XO Legal firm.

Download the PDF version of this business case study.  No information capture form required for download.



Hooked by Spear Phishing Bait: An Easy Catch Case Study Download
The Hook

The spear phisher registered two email addresses using a free email service, carefully selecting usernames that incorporated the names of the attorneys and the firm’s domain name.   They had managed to find out the name of the cloud storage company.  The rest was frighteningly simple.


The Attack

An email was sent to one of the paralegals, Ana Mathieson, from Xavier Otero.  The email made reference to an upcoming hearing the next day, for which Xavier Otero was the lead attorney.  It requested that she look for a file in the client’s folder.  If it was there, he needed the link to it right away. He was on his smartphone right now and had no way to access the file.  The email contained details about the hearing that she knew to be true.  She hesitated but the first one was followed by two other emails, each more frantic than the last.  Ana found the file and sent the link to the folder.


The Aftermath

This spear phisher was content with access to this one client’s information.  What they wanted was enough information to enable identity theft.  There was plenty of information in the file to allow them to do that.  XO Legal was forced to pay for all of the client’s identity theft remediation, lost the client (which was a substantial part of their revenue).  And in the end, they still did not know if any other client information had been breached.  But, it could have been far worse and far more costly.



Our Role in The Spear Phishing Recovery

zero trust, written information security plans, WISP, risk management, risk analysis, spear phishing, phishing, business case study, legal, multifactor authentication, business impact analysis, business continuity plan, remote work, distributed staff, data breach

We documented the existing information security status and provided the written framework for the new security plan.  We created zero trust standard operating procedures; a written information security plan; an incident response plan; and a business continuity plan.  

A Roadmap to Zero Trust

From Trust to Zero Trust

Protecting client data–whether dictated by law or not–was of paramount concern at XO Legal.  But, as with many firms, the intention of the staff to guard the sanctity of client data was not enough.  Transformation into a team with a zero trust mindset was essential.   So, XO Legal closed the gaping voids in their security protocols with the following actions (non-inclusive):

  • Incident Response Plan based on ABA Formal Opinion No. 483, which defines the lawyer’s ethical and legal obligations to be prepared to protect against and respond to a cyber security incident.
  • Written Information Security Plan (WISP) to define what the firm’s information assets are and how they will be protected–including the policies and procedures that will be used.
  • Standard Operating Procedures were created for the Incident Response Plan and Written Information Security Plan, as required.  One of the first ones written is how internal communications were treated, no matter who wrote them.
  • Ongoing Evaluation of Access and Authentication Protocols to ensure that permissions are appropriate and are updated, as necessary.
  • User and Device Security is enforced by ensuring that all users and devices (including mobile devices) have the same level of protection as they access resources, regardless of location.
  • Multifactor Authentication is mandatory for all staff who access files.  In this case, fingerprint identification is used.
  • DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) email authentication protocol is used to protect against email phishing.
  • Application and Data Security is used to prevent unauthorized access within app environments no matter where they are hosted.

The Way Forward

The Zero Trust mindset is a new one for this firm because it is so small and the staff knows one another so well.  But, now they know that zero trust is critical if they are going to protect themselves and their clients.



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WISP Written Information Security Plan

Why You Need a WISP

“…The Task Force notes that the cyber threat to U.S. critical infrastructure is outpacing efforts to reduce pervasive vulnerabilities, so that for the next decade at least the United States must lean significantly on deterrence to address the cyber threat posed by the most capable U.S. adversaries.

It is clear that a more proactive and systematic approach to U.S. cyber deterrence is urgently needed…”     -Task Force on Cyber Deterrence [DSB 2017], the Defense Science Board (DSB)

What Is a WISP?

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF)-based Written Information Security Program (WISP) is a set of cyber security policies and standards that are suited for smaller organizations or those governed by NIST 800-53.  This framework has recently been updated to CSF 2.0.

While WISPs are often thought to be the preserve of larger businesses, we include businesses with fewer than 500 employees that also require the protection afforded by a WISP.

Download a sample, editable WISP here.


Why Our WISP?

Our custom NIST-based WISP Written Information Security Plans identify the policies and procedures for protecting your company’s confidential data, assessing how it’s being protected, and identifying who is ensuring it’s protected.

This WISP document enables you to proactively plans for the “what ifs” and is fundamental to your organization’s security.  It can be the basis for risk management measures.  It also enables you to be compliant with State requirements, where necessary.

Whether they are included as part of the WISP or simply referred to as part of an abbreviated description, we provide complete policies and procedures referenced in the WISP.  See a full list of these policies here.  We also offer our compliance documentation in two formats:  The first is focused on the what (NIST policies) and the other is focused on how (company-specific policies based on NIST standards).  See samples of the two approaches below.




Are You Required To Have a WISP?

Several industries and organizations are governed by cybersecurity regulations that require a WISP. If your organization is bound by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), then it is required to have a WISP. Recently, the 16 CFR Part 313: Privacy of Consumer Financial Information Rule under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act was amended. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) developed Service Organization Controls to manage data securely with AICPA TSC 2017 SOC 2 which also requires a WISP as does the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework, recently updated to CSF 2.0. 


Are you an accountant? Do you have a WISP?

The FTC’s Safeguards Rule of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) says you need one.  Pricing starts at $850. 



FTC Safeguards Act Requirements

The Safeguards Rule applies to financial institutions subject to the FTC’s jurisdiction and that aren’t subject to the enforcement authority of another regulator under section 505 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, 15 U.S.C. § 6805. According to Section 314.1(b), an entity is a “financial institution” if it’s engaged in an activity that is “financial in nature” or is “incidental to such financial activities as described in section 4(k) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, 12 U.S.C § 1843(k).”

How do you know if your business is a financial institution subject to the Safeguards Rule? First, consider that the Rule defines “financial institution” in a way that’s broader than how people may use that phrase in conversation. Furthermore, what matters are the types of activities your business undertakes, not how you or others categorize your company.

To help you determine if your company is covered, Section 314.2(h) of the Rule lists 13 examples of the kinds of entities that are financial institutions under the Rule, including mortgage lenders, payday lenders, finance companies, mortgage brokers, account servicers, check cashers, wire transferors, collection agencies, credit counselors and other financial advisors, tax preparation firms, non-federally insured credit unions, and investment advisors that aren’t required to register with the SEC. The 2021 amendments to the Safeguards Rule add a new example of a financial institution – finders. Those are companies that bring together buyers and sellers and then the parties themselves negotiate and consummate the transaction.





Do You Live in One of These States?

If you live in one of these States, you are required to have a WISP that conforms to State requirements:  Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Vermont, District of Columbia.

Alabama: 2018 SB 318

Arkansas: Ark. Code § 4-110-104(b)

California: Calif. Civil Code § 1798.91.04

Colorado: Colo. Rev. Stat. § 6-1-713 to -713.5

Connecticut: Conn. Gen. Stat. § 38a-999b, Conn. Gen. Stat. § 4e-70

Delaware: Del. Code § 12B-100

Florida: Fla. Stat. § 501.171(2)

Illinois: 815 ILCS 530/45

Indiana: Ind. Code § 24-4.9-3-3..5(c)

Kansas: K.S. § 50-6,139b

Louisiana: La. Rev. Stat. § 3074 (2018 SB 361)

Maryland: Md. Code Com Law §§ 14-3501 to -3503

Massachusetts: Mass. Gen. Laws Ch. 93H § 2(a)

Minnesota: Minn. Stat. § 325M.05

Nebraska: Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 87-801-807 (2018 L.B. 757)

Nevada: Nev. Rev. Stat. §§ 603A.210, 603A.215(2)

New Mexico: N.M. Stat. § 57-12C-4 to -5

New York: New York Gen. Bus. Law § 899-BB

Ohio: Ohio Rev. Stat. § 1354.01 to 1354.05 (2018 S.B. 220)

Oregon: Or. Rev. Stat § 646A.622

Rhode Island: R.I. Gen. Laws § 11-49.3-2

South Carolina: S.C. Code § 38-99-10 to -100. (2018 HB 4655)

Texas: Tex. Bus. & Com. Code § 521.052

Utah: Utah Code §§ 13-44-101, -201, 301

Vermont: 9 V.S.A § 2446-2447 (2018 HB 764)

District of Columbia: 2020 B 215

We create custom State- and NIST-compliant WISP Written Information Security Plans for business of all sizes.   This document protects you and it protects your customers or clients or patients.  These affordable documents include standalone versions of all policies and procedures that are referenced in your WISP.  For example, your WISP access control policy would be provided also as a separate document that you can use in other documents such as training manuals or employee handbooks or as standard operating procedures.





What Are the Most Common WISP Elements?

Every WISP is different–some are less comprehensive and some are more so depending on the situation.  In general, however, WISPs contain the following elements:


  • Designation of the employee or employees responsible for the security program
  • Identification and assessment of security risks
  • Policies for storage of data, as well as access and transportation of personal information
  • Disciplinary measures imposed on WISP violators
  • Limiting access by/to terminated employees
  • Managing the security practices of third-party vendors and contractors
  • Methods of restricting physical and digital access to records
  • Monitoring and reviewing the scope and effectiveness of the WISP
  • Documentation of data security incidents and responses

WISP Format Choices

Cybersecurity, information security, information security consulting, information security policy, business continuity plan, WISP, Written Information Security Program, WISP template, Written Information Security Program template, incident response plan, cybersecurity policy , cybersecurity best practices, small business cybersecurity, cybersecurity strategy, industrial cybersecurity, iso 27001 compliance, NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 5, free download, cybersecurity consulting services, cybersecurity workbook, SBA, Small Business Administration, small business, hacktivists, bad actors, CISO, Chief Information Security Officer, Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, CSF, NIST, containment, recovery, Business Continuity Plan, National Institute of Standards and Technology, CDPP, Cybersecurity & Data Protection Program, CIS, Center for Internet Security. HIPAA. Health Insurance Portability and Accounting Act, 23 NYCRR 500, policies, procedures, SOP, standard operating procedures How you choose to format your WISP is a matter of choice, as long as it conforms to State guidelines wherever applicable.  

Writing and implementing a WISP requires assessing company business processes, an understanding of the laws and regulations that apply to the those processes, identifying potential information security gaps and weaknesses, finding the right balance between business practices and security, and educating end users about the policy once it is approved by company management.

NIST Framework 

This WISP version is mapped to NIST standards and the terminology.

Control Objective: Include organization-defined types of dynamic reconfiguration for organization-defined system components as part of the incident response capability.

Standard: Where technically feasible and justified by a valid business case, ACME must implement automated mechanisms to enable dynamic reconfiguration of information systems as part of incident response remediation actions.

Guidelines: Dynamic reconfiguration includes changes to router rules, access control lists, intrusion detection or prevention system parameters and filter rules for guards or firewalls. Organizations may perform dynamic reconfiguration of systems to stop attacks, misdirect attackers and isolate components of systems, thus limiting the extent of the damage from breaches or compromises.

Organizations include specific time frames for achieving the reconfiguration of systems in the definition of the reconfiguration capability, considering the potential need for rapid response to effectively address cyber threats.



Standard Policy Framework

This WISP version uses narrative, company-specific policies. 

The Program Coordinator shall conduct a risk assessment to identify reasonably foreseeable internal and external risks to the security, confidentiality and integrity of customer information that could result in its unauthorized disclosure, misuse, alteration, destruction or other compromise, and assess the sufficiency of any safeguards in place to control these risks. The risk assessment shall cover all relevant areas of the Dealership’s operations. At a minimum, the risk assessment shall cover the following:

• Employee training and management;
• Information systems, including network and software design, as well as information processing, storage, transmission and disposal; and
• Detecting, preventing and responding to attacks, intrusions or other systems failures.

Once the Program Coordinator has identified the reasonably foreseeable risks, the Program Coordinator will determine whether current policies and procedures in these areas sufficiently mitigate the potential risks identified. If not, the Program Coordinator shall design new policies and procedures that meet the objectives of the Program. Final policies and procedures that meet the objectives of the Program will be part of the Program.

FTC Standards for Safeguarding Customer Information

16 CFR Part 314: Standards for Safeguarding Customer Information (

October 2023 marks the 20th anniversary of the effective date of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Safeguards Rule. Its purpose then – and its purpose now – is to protect consumers by requiring entities covered by the Rule to “develop, implement, and maintain reasonable administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect the security, confidentiality, and integrity of customer information.”

The amendment announced today requires financial institutions to notify the FTC as soon as possible, and no later than 30 days after discovery, of a security breach involving the information of at least 500 consumers. Such an event requires notification if unencrypted customer information has been acquired without the authorization of the individual to which the information pertains. The notice to the FTC must include certain information about the event, such as the number of consumers affected or potentially affected.

The FTC revised the Safeguards Rule in October 2021 to strengthen protections for consumers’ information maintained by non-banking financial institutions – for example, mortgage brokers and payday lenders. Also announced was a proposed supplemental amendment to the Safeguards Rule that would require financial institutions to report certain data breaches and other security events to the FTC. The agency just approved an amendment that will require notification.

The focus is on “notification events” – defined as the “acquisition of unencrypted customer information without the authorization of the individual to which the information pertains.” If a notification event “involves the information of at least 500 consumers,” the covered entity must contact the FTC “as soon as possible, and no later than 30 days after discovery of the event” using a form on the FTC’s website.

Here are some of the things the notice must include:

  • the name and contact information of the financial institution;
  • a description of the types of information involved;
  • the date or date range of the notification event, if it’s possible to determine;
  • the number of consumers affected; and
  • a general description of the notification event.

Ig1 – Implementation Group 1

From the Center for Internet Security:

Implementation Groups (IGs) are the recommended guidance to prioritize implementation of the CIS Critical Security Controls (CIS Controls). CIS Controls v8 defines Implementation Group 1 (IG1) as essential cyber hygiene and represents an emerging minimum standard of information security for all enterprises. IG1 is the on-ramp to the CIS Controls and consists of a foundational set of 56 cyber defense Safeguards. The Safeguards included in IG1 are what every enterprise should apply to defend against the most common attacks.

In most cases, an IG1 enterprise is typically small to medium-sized with limited IT and cybersecurity expertise to dedicate towards protecting IT assets and personnel. A common concern of these enterprises is to keep the business operational, as they have a limited tolerance for downtime.

The sensitivity of the data that they are trying to protect is low and principally surrounds employee and financial information. Safeguards selected for IG1 should be implementable with limited cybersecurity expertise and aimed to thwart general, non-targeted attacks. These Safeguards will also typically be designed to work in conjunction with small or home office commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware and software.

Safeguards selected for IG1 should be implementable with limited cybersecurity expertise and aimed to thwart general, non-targeted attacks. These Safeguards will also typically be designed to work in conjunction with small or home office commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware and software.

But no matter the size or complexity of your business, we recommend that all organizations begin with IG1. We also refer to IG1 as Essential Cyber Hygiene because it provides the actions necessary for an organization to defend itself against the major attack types being used by cybercriminals. IG1 is not just another list of good things to do; it’s an essential set of steps that helps all enterprises defend against real-world threats. And it provides a strong foundation for your cyber maturity growth, or as your security needs change. This is a strong claim, but we back it up with our use of the best-available summaries of attacks (like the Verizon DBIR), and an open, shared methodology (the CIS Community Defense Model v2.057).

NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) 2.0




The agency has finalized the framework’s first major update since its creation in 2014
February 26, 2024

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has updated the widely used Cybersecurity Framework (CSF), its landmark guidance document for reducing cybersecurity risk. The new 2.0 edition is designed for all audiences, industry sectors and organization types, from the smallest schools and nonprofits to the largest agencies and corporations — regardless of their degree of cybersecurity sophistication.

The CSF 2.0, which supports implementation of the National Cybersecurity Strategy, has an expanded scope that goes beyond protecting critical infrastructure, such as hospitals and power plants, to all organizations in any sector. It also has a new focus on governance, which encompasses how organizations make and carry out informed decisions on cybersecurity strategy. The CSF’s governance component emphasizes that cybersecurity is a major source of enterprise risk that senior leaders should consider alongside others such as finance and reputation.

The updated framework anticipates that organizations will come to the CSF with varying needs and degrees of experience implementing cybersecurity tools. New adopters can learn from other users’ successes and select their topic of interest from a new set of implementation examples and quick-start guides designed for specific types of users, such as small businesses, enterprise risk managers, and organizations seeking to secure their supply chains.

A new CSF 2.0 Reference Tool now simplifies the way organizations can implement the CSF, allowing users to browse, search and export data and details from the CSF’s core guidance in human-consumable and machine-readable formats.

Read More Here: NIST Releases Version 2.0 of Landmark Cybersecurity Framework

NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 5 Full Text

This free download is the full text of the NIST Revision 5, September 2020. This publication provides a catalog of security and privacy controls for information systems and organizations to protect organizational operations and assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation from a diverse set of threats and risks, including hostile attacks, human errors, natural disasters, structural failures, foreign intelligence entities, and privacy risks. 


  NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 5

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Why Work With Us?

We are creative, believers in critical thought.  Our layouts are sophisticated and appropriate, effective.  Our work is due diligent, informative and engaging.  Let our technical writing services save you time, money, revisions and failed presentations.





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How to Fix The Technobabble Snafu


Technobabble has become so much a part of our lives that we often don’t see the snafus it can create.  It is a language unto itself:  It is a technical language that is difficult for ordinary people to understand.  Technobabble is well-defined as a type of nonsense that consists of buzzwords, esoteric language, or technical jargon.  There is little question that technobabble has its place.  But the world is changing and the need to communicate information to diverse audiences requires an approach that the entire audience–not just part of it–can understand.  Simplified English might be the answer.

A Technobabble Snafu

Technobabble, Plain Language, Plain English, ASD Simplified Technical English Specification, ASD STE100, ASD STE100 Rules, controlled language, non-native English speakers, simplified technical English, STE writing rules, plain English writing rules, technical documentation, technical manuals, user guides, free downloads


“Complex technical instructions can be misunderstood and misunderstandings can lead to accidents. STE makes technical texts easy to understand by all readers”

Some Assembly Required

Some Assembly Required is rarely a reason to buy a product and is often a reason to not buy it.  The directions may be unclear and likely written in text so small that you have to find the Internet version just to read it. It would be a pleasant surprise if  the manual were written in Simplified Technical English that virtually anyone can understand. 

Understandable directions, laid out with graphics that actually relate to the product, help to sell it.  The fact that a manual can be understood by a broad audience does not diminish the product:  It makes it more accessible and more marketable.  In fact, any text written so that it can be understood is more engaging and the content is easily understood.

Technobabble, Plain Language, Plain English, ASD Simplified Technical English Specification, ASD STE100, ASD STE100 Rules, controlled language, non-native English speakers, simplified technical English, STE writing rules, plain English writing rules, technical documentation, technical manuals, user guides, free downloads


Avoid Your own Technobabble Snafu!


We can help you communicate in Simplified Technical English or just Plain English. Either way, your audience will be engaged in and easily understand your message.




A Technobabble Transformation

A group of engineers were set to update a Code written in the last century.  But this would be no easy task because they had no real interest in enabling a wide range of people to crack the Code.  Even the promise of protecting the technical integrity of the Code was not appealing.  But change was coming so they had to make the best of it.  Ultimately, with a few dissenters still unwilling to accept all of the changes, a consensus produced a clear, unambiguous Code.   Their story can be downloaded below.

Leveraging STE

Case study of a Simplified Technical English (STE) conversion in the Engineering sector. The conversion was intended to remove the archaic wording and make the text easier to translate and understand. The transformation resulted in reduced cost and better translations.


Why not just translate the documentation?

For highly technical documents, Simplified Technical English may be more appropriate than Plain Language.  The controlled language with its technical dictionaries may better transform these texts into clear, unambiguous documentation.  Also, there are times when it is important for all readers to understand the content in English.  Once in English, it can be translated into other languages.


“STE was developed to help the readers of English-language documentation understand what they read, particularly when these readers are non-native English speakers.” – ASD-STE100

Translation, however, is not the only consideration here because non-native speakers as an audience is not the only issue.  Documentation in simplified English must also bridge the chasm between native speakers who speak English (or any language) well and those who do not.   This is especially true for training documentation where everyone from upper management to supervisors to workers must be on the same page.  Standard operating procedures, likewise, must be clearly understood by everyone affected by them. 


English, Simplified, Might Solve Many Technobabble Snafus

As every business must look for roadblocks that would disrupt their operation, they must also be aware of roadblocks that disrupt communication.  Concerns about reducing documentation content to its lowest level of understanding must be replaced by the intent to make information available to the widest possible audience.  Simplified Technical English and Plain Language can do just that. 



Simplified Technical English

Simplified Technical English

ASD-STE100, also known as Simplified Technical English (STE), is a specification for writing technical documentation in a simplified language that is easy to understand for a global audience.

This can help improve safety, reduce errors, and increase efficiency in various industries where technical documentation plays a critical role.

-Simplifying the Complex: ASD-STE100 (Simplified Technical English)

ASD-STE100 Version 8 Download

STE Lanuage Rules

  • Restrict sentence length to no more than 20 words (procedural sentences) or 25 words (descriptive sentences)
  • Restrict paragraphs to no more than six sentences (in descriptive text)
  • Avoid slang and jargon while allowing for specific terminology
  • Make instructions as specific as possible
    Use articles such as “a/an” and “the” wherever possible
  • Use simple verb tenses (past, present, and future)
  • Use active voice
  • Do not use present participles or gerunds (unless part of a Technical Name)
  • Write sequential steps as separate sentences
  • Start a safety instruction (a warning or a caution) with a clear and simple command or condition.
Before and After Comparison of Plain English Transformation



Traditional RPA are the software programs used for simple tasks that don’t require decision making or cognitive activity. These types of bots are also called rule-based systems as they require a set of rules on how to perform a task, where to log in, what data to collect, and where to transfer it.

In general, robotic process automation refers to rule-based bots, which are good for simple tasks and scaling to thousands of automated processes.



Traditional RPA is software programs. These programs do simple tasks. These tasks do not require decision-making activity.

These types of programs are also called rule-based systems. This is because they require a set of rules:

  • How to perform a task
  • Where to log in
  • What data to collect
  • Where to transfer data.

In general, robotic process automation refers to rule-based programs that are good for:

  • Simple tasks
  • Scaling to thousands of automated processes.

Technobabble, Plain Language, Plain English, ASD Simplified Technical English Specification, ASD STE100, ASD STE100 Rules, controlled language, non-native English speakers, simplified technical English, STE writing rules, plain English writing rules, technical documentation, technical manuals, user guides, free downloads


Avoid Your own Technobabble Snafu!


As Einstein said, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”  We can help you reach a broad audience without burying the content–and context–of your message.



…in Plain Language

Plain language is grammatically correct and universally understood language that includes complete sentence structure and accurate word usage. Plain language is not unprofessional writing or a method of “dumbing down” or “talking down” to the reader.


Plain English

Writing that is clear and to the point helps improve all communication as it takes less time to read and comprehend. Clear writing tells the reader exactly what the reader needs to know without using unnecessary words or expressions. Communicating clearly is its own reward as it saves time and money. It also improves reader response to messages. Using plain language avoids creating barriers that set us apart from the people with whom we are communicating.

-Office of Personnel Management

Plain Language Guidelines Download

Plain Lanuage Rules

  • Write for your reader, not yourself. Use pronouns when you can.
  • State your major point(s) first before going into details.
  • Stick to your topic. Limit each paragraph to one idea and keep it short.
  • Write in active voice. Use the passive voice only in rare cases.
  • Use short sentences as much as possible.
  • Use everyday words. If you must use technical terms, explain them on the first reference.
  • Omit unneeded words.
  • Keep the subject and verb close together.
  • Use headings, lists, and tables to make reading easier.
  • Proofread your work, and have a colleague proof it as well.
Before and After Comparison of Plain English Transformation

Right of use means any authorization issued under this part that allows use of Outer Continental Shelf lands. Right of use means any authorization under this part to use Outer Continental Shelf lands.

This rule proposes the Spring/Summer subsistence harvest regulations in Alaska for migratory birds that expire on August 31, 2023. This rule proposes the Spring/Summer subsistence harvest regulations for migratory birds in Alaska. The regulations will expire on August 31, 2023.

This regulation governs disaster assistance for services to prevent hardship caused by fire, flood, or acts of nature that are not provided by FEMA or the Red Cross.




Right of use means any authorization under this part to use Outer Continental Shelf lands.

This rule proposes the Spring/Summer subsistence harvest regulations in Alaska for migratory birds that expire on August 31, 2003. This rule proposes the Spring/Summer subsistence harvest regulations for migratory birds in Alaska. The regulations will expire on August 31, 2003.

This regulation governs disaster assistance for services to prevent hardship caused by fire, flood, or acts of nature that are not provided by FEMA or the Red Cross. This regulation governs disaster assistance that:

  • Consists of services to prevent hardship caused by fire, flood, or acts of nature; and
  • Is furnished by a provider other than FEMA or the Red Cross.

Use Cases for STE and Plain Language?


Simplified Technical English

STE addresses difficulties in English comprehension related to complex sentence structures and the following documentation might benefit the most from using it. 

Plain Language (English)

Plain language is communication your audience can understand the first time they read or hear it. A wide range of documentation can benefit from this approach, including:




Why Work With Us?

We are creative, believers in critical thought.  Our layouts are sophisticated and appropriate, effective.  Our work is informative and engaging.  We speak simplified technical English.  Let our technical writing services save you time, money, revisions and failed presentations.


Do You Want to Turn Your Technobabble into Unambiguous Clarity? 

Let’s Talk



Technical manuals, online manuals, print manuals, instructions, procedures, repair, software, technology, product manuals, user manuals, training manuals, standard operating procedures, STE, simplified technical English, installation manuals, policy and procedure manuals, safety manuals, repair manuals, industrial manuals, IT manuals, hospitality manuals, food service manuals


 The Technical Manual:  Instructions for Life or for a Video Game? 


Deconstructing the Technical Manual:  What Is It?

A technical manual rarely provides guidance on how you should live your life. It does not tell you how to raise your kids but can help you understand their video console game.  Some technical manuals do this successfully, some don’t.  Definitions of a technical manual are as varied as the types of technical manuals.

technical manual

[′tek·nə·kəl ‚man·yə·wəl]

publication containing detailed information on technical procedures, including instructions on the operation, handling, maintenance, and repair of equipment. – McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Technical manuals are written for end users who did not code or create the product or process.  While they might have some knowledge of how the product or process works, they need more detailed information.  This could be in the form of a product brochure or detailed operating instructions or repair procedures.  Most of this audience simply wants more information on topics such as the product, how to install or operate it or how to repair it.

Over time, the definition of a technical manual has broadened to include many aspects of technical documentation.  It has the simple purpose of making it simple for the end-user to understand the technicality of using a product or service. Technical manuals contain instructions for installation, use, maintenance, and steps for effective deployment of equipment.

Avoiding the Technobabble Snafu

Technical Manual Sample




API documentation, augmented reality technical manual, BINAC, Binary Automatic Computer Built for Northrop Aircraft Corporation, business case studies, Chapline, Deconstructing the Technical Manual, Eckert–Mauchly Computer Corporation, effective technical manual, HMI, How to structure a technical manual, human machine interface, IKEA, instructions, maintenance, online technical manual, Operating and Maintenance Manual for the BINAC, operation, procedures, processes, product manual, repair, SDK documentation, simplified technical English, software, STE,STE Writing Rules, subject matter expert, technical manual documentation, technical manual, technical manual definition, technical manual sample, technical manual writing expert, Technobabble Snafu, technology, user manual, user persona, What are the basic elements of the technical manual?, wordless technical manual,



Some Assembly Required

Your product or user manual may need to have the words Some Assembly Required in it.  Since those words often make readers cringe, it would be a pleasant surprise if  the manual were written in Simplified Technical English that virtually anyone can understand. 

Products made in the Republic of SAR (Some Assembly Required) can make the reader afraid of the assembly experience to come.  They are already wondering if they should have gotten an engineering degree so that they could put the product together.  They may also be wondering why they wanted it in the first place.  

When you begin to write your manual, you have a choice:  You can write it for those that do have an engineering degree or one in computer science or you can write your manual so it is easily understood by your intended audience.  

Technical manuals are written for end users who did not code or create the product or process.  While they might have some knowledge of how the product or process works, they need more detailed information.  This could be in the form of a product brochure or detailed operating instructions or repair procedures.  Most of this audience simply wants more information on topics such as the product, how to install or operate it or how to maintain and repair it.  The technobabble snafu can be avoided when technical documentation is clear, presented in engaging form and unambiguous enough to be thoroughly understood by anyone in the target audience.

When they were first created, technical manuals were in fact way too technical for the common user to comprehend.

The Technical Manual Then (1949) and Now (2022)

Binac Manual

Technical Manuals 1949 and 2022

In 1949, the first technical technical manual was published by Joseph Chapline, who wrote a user manual for the computer he developed, the BINAC, (Operating and Maintenance Manual for the BINAC). Style and content are shown in the image at left.  Technical manual content and delivery technology, not even imagined in 1949, can now be part of an end-user experience.  

AR Manual

API documentation, augmented reality technical manual, BINAC, Binary Automatic Computer Built for Northrop Aircraft Corporation, business case studies, Chapline, Deconstructing the Technical Manual, Eckert–Mauchly Computer Corporation, effective technical manual, HMI, How to structure a technical manual, human machine interface, IKEA, instructions, maintenance, online technical manual, Operating and Maintenance Manual for the BINAC, operation, procedures, processes, product manual, repair, SDK documentation, simplified technical English, software, STE,STE Writing Rules, subject matter expert, technical manual documentation, technical manual, technical manual definition, technical manual sample, technical manual writing expert, Technobabble Snafu, technology, user manual, user persona, What are the basic elements of the technical manual?, wordless technical manual,

Above is an image from an augmented reality technical manual.   This method involves overlaying the text and images with augmented reality technology.





Technical Manual Content and Delivery

Technology has changed and with it the content, design and delivery of technical documentation has changed.   

Technical Manual Content

  • Customer-Centric Technical Content might include online wikis, knowledge bases, training manuals, user guides, release notes, installation manuals, or repair manuals.
  • Organizational Technical Content might include standard work procedures manuals, employee handbooks, job descriptions, work instructions, installation manuals, or a human machine interface (HMI) on equipment.
  • Marketing Technical Content might include product-based information such as product brochures or videos, white papers, business case studies, infographics, or use cases.
  • IT Technical Content might include technical specifications of a product, glossaries, software development , software guidance, training manuals, or process documentation


Technical Information Delivery



Digitalization and globalization have resulted in a paradigm shift in how technical documentation is created, how it is written and how it is delivered.   

As technology has become available to a broad cross-section of the population, creating and delivering easily-understood technical content is a requirement.  It also must be delivered in many different languages.  While not in the immediate future, the PDF may become obsolete in favor of electronic delivery.  For now, however, both are still used extensively.  

Digital information delivery–in particular mobile–is becoming a standard method for relaying information.  Innovative solutions for doing this are being created all the time and are more focused on user experience than ever before.



The Technical Manual in its Simplest Form

A Wordless Manual

A Successful Technical Manual: the IKEA Billy Bookcase Assembly Manual

If it takes an advanced degree to read it, then it must be meaningful.   Right?  Not necessarily.  Einstein suggested that:

“If you cannot explain it simply, you do not understand it well enough.”  

You cannot get much simpler than a wordless manual and one of the most effective set of technical manuals is in fact wordless:  the IKEA assembly manuals.   There are few complaints that IKEA’s technical manuals are not easily understood or that furniture cannot be assembled when they are used. 

 While there are not many types of manuals that lend themselves to wordless instruction, it does work for IKEA.

Technical Manual Considerations

Whether the technical manual is a human machine interface (HMI) on a CNC machine or the installation instructions for a garbage disposal, there are certain basic planning and content elements that are common to all.  


Planning Considerations

Topic-based authoring is a concept well worth considering for development of technical documentation.  This approach is particularly suited to technical manuals.  The alternative, a collaborative approach, works well in most situations.  It just so happens that topic-based authoring enables writers of technical material to create reusable, flexible information modules cost-effectively.  


Select Pre-Development Questions
  • Who is the intended audience?
  • Is the delivery method electronic or print?
  • Will the development approach be collaborative or topic-based authoring?
  • Where is the information about the product, service or process located?
  • Who will be the subject matter expert–the writer or a staff member or both?
  • What is the structure–table of contents?
  • What graphics will be used?
  • How will the contents be laid out?
  • What will be the style and design?

Authoring Considerations

If you understand thoroughly what you are writing about, you will be able to present it in clear, concise, unambiguous terms to readers.

Topic-Based Authoring
This is a modular approach to content creation which supports content reuse, content management, and the dynamic assembly of personalized information.

At a high level, topic-based authoring is simple. Rather than writing a “book” as one long document, you write a bunch of small chunks of information – “topics” – that can be strung together to create that “book”.  – Neil Perlin

Collaborative Authoring
Collaborative authoring is a method of creating content with the involvement of several authors. It is a flexible process where content can be created more quickly and with better quality.  Technical writers can create content simultaneously: each tech writer is working on certain topics. Technical writers can also create content in a certain sequence. 



Technical Manual Sample

Case study sample of a Simplified Technical English (STE) conversion intended to remove the archaic wording and make the text easier to translate and understand. The transformation resulted in reduced cost and better translations.





STE downloads, case studies, free download, online case studies, sample case studies, STE samples, STE examples, affordable, STE writing rules, STE, simplified technical english, ASD STE100, technical documentation, engineering

The Simplicity of an Effective Technical Manual

“Complex technical instructions can be misunderstood and misunderstandings can lead to accidents. STE makes technical texts easy to understand by all readers

Simplified Technical English Transformation

Simplicity is arguably one of the most desirable traits of an effective technical manual.  Simplified Technical English may be what you need if your document has a wide, diverse audience.  

Creating Technical Manuals in Simplified Technical English (STE)

Einstein would have liked STE and the STE Writing Rules. He knew that clarity is often sacrificed for complexity.   But he also knew that there is a limit to how far things can be simplified.  STE Writing Rules show how to use those rules to make what we write as simple as possible but no simpler. 

If it takes an advanced degree to read it, then it must be meaningful.   Right?  Not necessarily.  Einstein suggested:

“If you cannot explain it simply, you do not understand it well enough.”

Einstein could not have anticipated the technological innovation or medical advancements or discoveries in physics that have occurred in the last century.  Technical documentation of QuickBooks’ coding in C++ will likely be important information for a programmer.  But a technical description of how to use QuickBooks to generate a profit and loss statement is likely to be much more important to an end user who may have no idea what C++ is or that it is a programming language.



Why Work With Us?

We are creative, believers in critical thought.  Our technical documentation layouts are sophisticated and appropriate, effective.  Our work is informative and engaging.  We become subject matter expert partners: our technical writing services save you time, money, revisions and failed presentations.




STE Writing Rules, STE, simplified technical English, simple technical English, STE dictionary, Boeing, Einstein, ASD-STE100, Flesch Reading Score,



STE Writing Rules and Einstein


The Direct Route…

STE, STE writing rules, Einstein, STE Writing Rules and Einstein simplify, clarity, Writing for Results,

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.” – Albert Einstein

STE Writing Rules and Einstein Simplicity

Einstein would have liked STE and the STE Writing Rules. He knew that clarity is often sacrificed for complexity.   But he also knew that there is a limit to how far things can be simplified.  Our blog series on the STE Writing Rules will be on how to use those rules to make what we write as simple as possible but no simpler. 

If it takes an advanced degree to read it, then it must be meaningful.   Right?  Not necessarily.  Einstein also suggested that:

“If you cannot explain it simply, you do not understand it well enough.”

Einstein could not have anticipated the technological innovation or medical advancements or discoveries in physics that have occurred in the last century.  While terms such as prenucleation can be mentioned in sentences that are easily understood, the simple fact is that the explanation of a term like that is as complex as the word itself.


STE Writing Rules  and Cleartext

The STE Writing Rules are excellent tools to create clear, unambiguous text:  Cleartext.  But sometimes clear, unambiguous text is still too complex for everyone to understand.   

That is why STE Writing Rules are used with dictionaries.  These dictionaries include technical terms that are not in the basic  word dictionary.

But not all writing is that technical and does lend itself to Einstein’s theory of simplicity.  A product user manual is a good example.  Some Assembly Required makes many readers afraid of the assembly experience to come.  They are already wondering if they should have gotten an engineering degree so that they could put the product together.  They may also be wondering why they wanted it in the first place. 

The Genius of Simplicity


Genius is making complex ideas simple, not making simple ideas complex.” – Albert Einstein

It sounds easy but it is not.  So, do you have to be a genius to write clearly?  If you do simplify what you have to say, will you sound less intelligent?  


Simplicity and the Successful Translation

This is a translation into STE of a Code Book paragraph that is said to be Very Difficult on the Flesch Reading Scale.  This is an excellent example of something that can be simplified only so far.  But archaic jargon such as thereof or convoluted sentences can be revised and the presentation itself simplified.  Mandatory Appendix V cannot be eliminated without changing the meaning of the sentence; thereof can be eliminated.  Sometimes the sentence structures appear confusing by intention–the intention being to reduce the number of people that can understand them.


The rules in this Part PR-1 are applicable to boilers and component parts thereof that are fabricated by riveting. These rules shall be used in conjunction with the general requirements in the applicable Parts of this Section and Mandatory Appendix V that pertain to the type of boiler under consideration.

learn more



STE, STE writing rules, Einstein, STE Writing Rules and Einstein simplify, clarity, maze, writing, Writing for Results,



Revision in STE


The rules in PR-1 are applicable to riveted boilers and parts.  These rules are applied with the parts of this Section and Mandatory Appendix V for riveted boilers.




“Complex technical instructions can be misunderstood and misunderstandings can lead to accidents. STE makes technical texts easy to understand by all readers

Simplified Technical English Transformation

Simplified Technical English may be what you need if your document has a wide, diverse audience.  


Using technical jargon is not the issue.  Writing clear, unambiguous text that contains technical jargon is the goal.

Sample STE Writing Rule

Rule 1.1

Simplified Technical English (STE) has a controlled general dictionary (part 2) that gives you the words most frequently used in technical writing.

You can also use words that are not in the dictionary if you can include them in the specified categories of technical names and technical verbs.

The dictionary also gives a selection of unapproved words, with examples that show how to use alternative words.

Which Words Can You Use?

You can use words that are:

  • Approved in the dictionary
  • Technical names
  • Technical verbs.

The word “use” is an approved word in the dictionary.
The word “engine” is a technical name.
The word “ream” is a technical verb.




ASD-STE100, Simplified Technical English Full Text

This free download is the full text of the ASD-STE100, Issue 7, January 2017, International Specification for the Preparation of Technical Documentation in a Controlled Language


ASD-STE100 Download




What Are Simplified Technical English Rules?

STE has two parts: a set of writing rules (part 1) and a controlled dictionary (part 2). The writing rules cover aspects of grammar and style. The dictionary gives the general words that a writer can use.


Writing Rules

STE addresses difficulties in English comprehension related to complex sentence structures, confusing word forms, and ambiguous vocabulary. 

The Writing Rules differentiate between two types of topics: procedure and description. The STE Writing Rules also specify restrictions on grammar and style usage. For example, they require writers to:


  • Restrict the length of noun clusters to no more than three words
  • Restrict sentence length to no more than 20 words
  • Restrict paragraphs to no more than 6 sentences 
  • Avoid slang and jargon while allowing for specific terminology
  • Make instructions as specific as possible
  • Use articles such as “a/an” and “the” wherever possible
  • Use simple verb tenses
  • Use active voice
  • Write sequential steps as separate sentences
  • Start a safety instruction (a warning or a caution) with a clear and simple command or condition.


Controlled Dictionary

STE has a controlled general dictionary that gives the words that are most frequently used in technical writing.

The approved words were selected because they were simple and easy to recognize. In general, each word has only one meaning and functions as only one part of speech. For example, “to fall” has the approved meaning of “to move down by the force of gravity,” and not “to decrease”. 

When there are several words in English for the same thing (synonyms), STE permits one of these synonyms to the exclusion of the others. For example, STE uses “start” instead of “begin”, “commence”, “initiate”, or “originate”. STE approved meanings and spelling are based on American English (Merriam-Webster’s dictionary).

In addition to its general dictionary, STE permits the use of company-specific or project-oriented technical words (referred to in STE as technical names and technical verbs). These words are related to the categories listed in the respective rules.

Basically, writers can use the approved words in the dictionary as a core vocabulary. But they can also use terms that are usual in their companies or industries and applicable to their projects and products.


A key goal in translation is interpreting the author’s intention. Translating a text to or from STE is made easier by reducing sentences to their core intended meaning. This allows STE to be used in the translation of documents into multiple languages at one time, giving a framework of sentence structure that can be more easily altered than standard English to suit the sentence syntax and structure in other languages.

What is ASD-STE100?



According to the ASD-STE100 website, English is the international language of science, technology and human relations. It is also the language of the aerospace and defense industry. However, it is not often the native language of the readers of technical documentation. Many readers have a limited knowledge of English. Complex sentence structure and the large number of meanings and synonyms that many English words have can cause confusion.

On June 30, 1983, in Amsterdam, the AECMA Simplified English Working Group was founded and the AECMA Simplified English project started.

The product of this effort was the AECMA Simplified English Guide (first release in 1986) which, in 2005, became the ASD Simplified Technical English Specification, ASD-STE100.

The success of STE is such that other industries use it beyond its original intended purpose of aerospace maintenance documentation. Interest in STE has also increased dramatically in the areas of language services, professional translation and interpreting, as well as in the academic world.


Would you like more information about STE?

Contact us to learn more about Simplified Technical English or to discuss a project.

The objective of Simplified Technical English is clear, unambiguous writing. Developed primarily for non-native English speakers, it is also known to improve the readability of maintenance text for native speakers. ASD Simplified Technical English does not attempt to define English grammar or prescribe correct English. It does attempt to limit the range of English, and many of its rules are recommendations found in technical writing textbooks.  – Boeing, STE Originator

STE Writing Rules, Section 1 - Words, Rule 1.3, approved words, Simplified Technical English, Writing for Results,
Updated November 15, 2021






STE Rule 1.3


What Is Rule 1.3?

Use this, not that, STE Approved Words and Not Approved Words, Rule 1.3,

Rule 1.3 is important yet it is not exceptional.  It is like many others in  Section 1 of the STE Writing Rules.  But it is a good example of how the rules work.  While the rule sounds straightforward enough, memorizing it is sometimes easier than following it.

Rule 1.3:  Use This, Not That

Keep to the approved meaning of a word in the Dictionary. Do not use the word with any other meaning.

“Follow” means “come after”. It does not mean “obey”
Non-STE: Follow the safety instructions.
STE: Obey the safety instructions.

But you can write

STE: Follow the green lights to the nearest staircase.

STE: Do the instructions that follow:

So How Do You Follow Rule 1.3?



Rule 1.3 Sample Use

Original – Non STE

The synthetic lubricating oil used in this engine contains additives which, if allowed to come into contact with the skin for prolonged periods, can be toxic through absorption.


Revision – STE Procedural Compliant

The oil is poisonous. Do not get the engine oil on your skin.  It can go through your skin and into your body.

Find out if we can help you:  Contact us.  If you don’t ask, we can’t help you.



The synthetic lubricating oil used in this engine contains additives which, if allowed to come into contact with the skin for prolonged periods, can be toxic through absorption.

STE Writing Rules, Section 1 - Words, Rule 1.3, approved words, Simplified Technical English, ASD

Why Use the STE Writing Rules?

No Technobabble

Quite simply, STE eliminates Technobabble.

STE addresses difficulties in English comprehension related to complex sentence structures, confusing word forms, and ambiguous vocabulary. 

Even the best product is only as good as its documentation and technical data, which allow the customer to use it safely and effectively. Documentation is a vital and integral part of your product.

Most crucially, the documentation needs to do its part to ensure the safe and correct use of the product by providing complete, accurate and effective information. Simplified Technical English (STE) can help you meet documentation compliance requirements, and can also increase the efficiency and productivity of your employees.



Benefits of Using STE
  • ASD-STE100, S1000D and ATA iSpec 2200

  • Reduce ambiguity

  • Improve the clarity of technical writing, especially procedural writing

  • Improve comprehension for people whose first language is not English

  • Make human translation easier, faster, and more cost effective

  • Facilitate computer-assisted translation and machine translation

  • Improve reliability and safety by reducing the probability of errors in maintenance and assembly.

In Plain English

Public Law 111–274
111th Congress

Plain Writing Act of 2010

Plain Writing Act of 2010, Public Law 111-274, STE Writing Rules, George Orwell Six Writing Rules, Section 1 - Words, Rule 1.3, approved words, Simplified Technical English, ASD, user manual, product manual

The Act

To enhance citizen access to Government information and services by establishing that Government documents issued to the public must be written clearly, and for other purposes.



The purpose of this Act was to improve the effectiveness and accountability of Federal agencies to the public by promoting clear Government communication that the public can understand and

Even the federal government has made an attempt to simplify the English used in documents.  In an effort to produce documentation that was unambiguous and could be clearly understood by readers, the government enacted the Plain Writing Act of 2010.  This legislation required federal agencies to use plain writing in every covered document that the agency issues or substantially revises.

The Plain Writing Act defines plain language as:


Writing that is clear, concise, well-organized, and follows other best practices appropriate to the subject or field and intended audience.

Language that is plain to one set of readers may not be plain to others. Material is in plain language if your audience can:


  • Find what they need
  • Understand what they find the first time they read or hear it
  • Use what they find to meet their need.

The government has developed templateschecklists, and in-depth writing guidelines to help writers create communications in plain language.



What Are Simplified Technical English Rules?

STE has two parts: a set of writing rules (part 1) and a controlled dictionary (part 2). The writing rules cover aspects of grammar and style. The dictionary gives the general words that a writer can use.


Writing Rules

The Writing Rules differentiate between two types of topics: procedure and description. The Writing Rules also specify restrictions on grammar and style usage. For example, they require writers to:


  • Restrict the length of noun clusters to no more than three words
  • Restrict sentence length to no more than 20 words (procedural sentences) or 25 words (descriptive sentences)
  • Restrict paragraphs to no more than 6 sentences (in descriptive text)
  • Avoid slang and jargon while allowing for specific terminology
  • Make instructions as specific as possible
  • Use articles such as “a/an” and “the” wherever possible
  • Use simple verb tenses (past, present, and future)
  • Use active voice
  • Do not use present participles or gerunds (unless part of a Technical Name)
  • Write sequential steps as separate sentences
  • Start a safety instruction (a warning or a caution) with a clear and simple command or condition.


Controlled Dictionary

STE has a controlled general dictionary that gives the words that are most frequently used in technical writing.

The approved words were selected because they were simple and easy to recognize. In general, each word has only one meaning and functions as only one part of speech. For example, “to fall” has the approved meaning of “to move down by the force of gravity,” and not “to decrease”. 

When there are several words in English for the same thing (synonyms), STE permits one of these synonyms to the exclusion of the others. For example, STE uses “start” instead of “begin”, “commence”, “initiate”, or “originate”. STE approved meanings and spelling are based on American English (Merriam-Webster’s dictionary).

In addition to its general dictionary, STE permits the use of company-specific or project-oriented technical words (referred to in STE as technical names and technical verbs). These words are related to the categories listed in the respective rules.

Basically, writers can use the approved words in the dictionary as a core vocabulary. But they can also use terms that are usual in their companies or industries and applicable to their projects and products.


STE Downloads

ASD-STE100, Issue 8

This free download is the full text of the ASD-STE100, Issue 8, the most recent revision, International Specification for the Preparation of Technical Documentation in a Controlled Language

Leveraging STE

Case study of a Simplified Technical English (STE) conversion in the Engineering sector. The conversion was intended to remove the archaic wording and make the text easier to translate and understand. The transformation resulted in reduced cost and better translations.

Orwellian Writing Rules and Creativity

Creativity need not be sacrificed for the sake of clear text.  George Orwell, who had his own set of STE rules to write by, left us proof of that.


“The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats. At one end of it a coloured poster, too large for indoor display, had been tacked to the wall. It depicted simply an enormous face, more than a metre wide: the face of a man of about forty-five, with a heavy black moustache and ruggedly handsome features. Winston made for the stairs. It was no use trying the lift. Even at the best of times it was seldom working, and at present the electric current was cut off during daylight hours. It was part of the economy drive in preparation for HateWeek. The flat was seven flights up, and Winston, who was thirty-nine and had a varicose ulcer above his right ankle, went slowly, resting several times on the way. On each landing, opposite the lift shaft, the poster with the enormous face gazed from the wall. It was one of those pictures which are so contrived that the eyes follow you about when you move. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, the caption beneath it ran.” – 

George Orwell, 1984


Arguably one of the most famous books ever written, 1984 was the product of an incredibly creative mind. But George Orwell was also acutely aware that he needed to address and engage his audience in plain English. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU was such a powerful image, captured with vivid brushstrokes,  that it became part of our cultural lexicon as a description for intrusive government.

STE Writing Rules, George Orwell Six Writing Rules, Section 1 - Words, Rule 1.3, approved words, Simplified Technical English, ASD


George Orwell’s Six Writing Rules

(i) Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print.

(ii) Never use a long word where a short one will do.

(iii) If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.

(iv) Never use the passive where you can use the active.

(v) Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.

(vi) Break any of these rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous.


“To write or even speak English is not a science but an art. There are no reliable words. Whoever writes English is involved in a struggle that never lets up even for a sentence. He is struggling against vagueness, against obscurity, against the lure of the decorative adjective, against the encroachment of Latin and Greek, and, above all, against the worn-out phrases and dead metaphors with which the language is cluttered up.” –

George Orwell

A key goal in translation is interpreting the author’s intention. Translating a text to or from STE is made easier by reducing sentences to their core intended meaning. This allows STE to be used in the translation of documents into multiple languages at one time, giving a framework of sentence structure that can be more easily altered than standard English to suit the sentence syntax and structure in other languages.





Why Work With Us?

We are creative, believers in critical thought.  Our layouts are sophisticated and appropriate, effective.  Our work is informative and engaging.  Let our technical writing services save you time, money, revisions and failed presentations.