Business Plans


Business Plans and Planning – The Long and the Short of It

Business plans in 2024 range from the lean startup one-page plan to traditional comprehensive plans.  Transparency, sustainability and authentic communication are the watchwords of this year.  And these are also the watchwords of our plans.  

Our plans provide a clear, unambiguous vision that defines the organization’s direction and sets the stage for strategic plans. This clarity provides the context for the organization’s purpose. A well-articulated strategy in the business plan ensures the buy-in of all stakeholders towards common goals and taking the actions necessary to reach them.

These professional custom plans are well-crafted roadmaps that enable a Company to navigate complex business landscapes, adapt to economic challenges, leverage emerging technologies, and respond to shifting consumer behaviors.  


We offer one-page plans or traditional plans.  We will also include both of them in a package so that you can use one as an introductory or marketing document.

Need a Professional Business Plan?

We can create anything from a lean startup one-page plan to a traditional comprehensive plan not limited by the number of pages. 

Our Business Plans

We create professional, validated business plans of all types in virtually all industries.  Our business plans are exceptional and well-accepted by lenders and investors alike.  Our business plans for operations and growth are clear, unambiguous roadmaps to company success.  Actionable strategic plans provide an agile framework to guide a company in virtually any direction they choose to follow–and the adaptability to change, if necessary.


Our business plans are reasonable and transparent.  We make your concept attractive.  Your market and financial information is solid and well-validated.  Our traditional plans include target market, local market and industry market validations. They also include a risk assessment.  One of the distinguishing features of our plans is that they include a mini economic study that shows how your endeavor will impact the community.


An actionable plan is the only kind worth having.  Our plans effectively describe your concept and provide a roadmap for implementing it.  Inherent in the plan is your strategy for the business.

When your plan effectively meets its intended purpose, it is actionable.





It is unlikely that we can create a business plan that is as engrossing as a novel.  We can, however, ensure that your audience wants to learn more about your endeavor and how you plan to carry it out.  Your audience might be a lender or an investor or an employee or corporate.  These plans speak to your audience so that they achieve your objective(s).  Our plans are well laid out and we make good use of illustrative graphics.

One-Page Plans

One-Page Business Plans

In a beautifully laid out single page, our one-page business plans include core items such as Business Description, Product or Service, Value Proposition, Financial Summary, Market Opportunity, Target Market, Team, Competition, Requirement, and Implementation.  We also offer two-page and three page plans , which vary stylistically.


One-Page Strategic Plans

Our one-page strategic plans are concise document  that outline an organization’s key strategic priorities and goals on a single page. These strategic plans are particularly useful for small to medium-sized businesses and non-profits, as they provide a streamlined alternative to lengthy traditional strategic plans. They help organizations to distill their strategy into its essential elements, making it easier to communicate, implement, and adjust as needed.


“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler”   
                                           – Albert Einstein



Read our case study, A Successful Business Plan for a Reinvented Company.  Rejected by several lenders, this Company came to us to help them figure out how they could present their business model so that it was more appealing to potential lenders.  With the help of the Business Model Canvas, we created a new model that was ultimately funded.

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Traditional Business Plans 

Our traditional comprehensive business plans include at least: 

  • Executive summary
  • Management
  • Product/operation description
  • Risk assessment
  • Scenario planning where appropriate,
  • Demographic analysis
  • Target market analysis
  • Local market validation
  • Industry market analysis
  • Staffing,
  • Competition
  • Marketing and implementation
  • Mini economic study to show impact.

Business Model Canvas

business plans, business plan writers, business plan writing services, professional business plan, one page business plan, feasiility plan, live canvas, business model, Customer Segments, Customer Relationships, Channels, Revenue Streams, Key Activities, Key Resources, Key Partners, Cost Structure, Value Proposition, target market

The Business Model Canvas has emerged as a powerful tool to transform business strategy and drive innovation. This strategic framework offers a visual approach to map out key elements of a business plan, enabling organizations to identify opportunities, streamline operations, and enhance their value proposition.


The Business Model Canvas provides a comprehensive overview of a company’s business model, covering essential aspects such as customer segments, revenue streams, and key activities. By using this tool, businesses can analyze their market position, develop new ideas, and refine their overall strategy. Throughout this article, we’ll explore how the Business Model Canvas can revolutionize your approach to business development, boost customer acquisition, and help you create a sustainable competitive edge in your industry.

The Business Model Canvas is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of a company’s business model, covering key aspects such as value proposition, infrastructure, customers, and finances.Its core principles include:

  • Visual representation: The canvas uses a simple, practical visual language to establish a shared understanding of business models 
  • Holistic approach: It enables businesses to align their activities and compare potential trade-offs
  • Flexibility: The canvas is designed to be a living document, allowing for easy changes and adaptations as the business model evolves
  • Comprehensive analysis: It helps businesses identify areas of strength and weakness, potential growth opportunities, and areas for innovation

Adaptability Across Industries

One of the key strengths of the Business Model Canvas is its adaptability to various industries and business types.  This flexibility allows it to be used effectively by startups and established companies alike. The canvas can be adapted for:

  • Revenue growth: By focusing on changes to Value Propositions, Customer Segments, and Revenue Streams
  • Innovation: Through modifications to Key Activities, Key Resources, and Key Partnerships
  • Crisis management: As seen during the pandemic, when restaurants had to switch to takeaway/delivery services to survive.

The Business Model Canvas has proven to be a game-changer for companies looking to shake up their strategies and stay ahead of the curve. By giving businesses a bird’s eye view of their operations, it helps them spot opportunities, streamline processes, and craft compelling value propositions. This tool’s flexibility makes it a hit across various industries, allowing both startups and established firms to adapt swiftly to market changes and drive innovation.

In the end, the Business Model Canvas is more than just a planning tool – it’s a catalyst for transformation. It empowers businesses to align their offerings with customer needs, optimize their key activities, and boost their revenue streams. By leveraging this framework, companies can tackle challenges head-on, foster a culture of innovation, and position themselves for long-term success in today’s ever-changing business landscape. The canvas serves as a roadmap to guide businesses through the complexities of modern markets, helping them not just survive, but thrive.




Let us help you build a business plan that will be creative, clear and logical